Thing for the day...accomplished! You see, when you get the feeling that years of training and your own natural charisma should get you where you want to be, take a deep breath and then slap yourself in the face. Oof. Then, you pick yourself back up off the floor (since you are stronger than you look, of course) and do something. Find what you love, find what makes you passionate. Or, at least, find some small thing to do that will move you forward for today. So here it is....I started a blog!
Okay, whatever, I just said it was "a" thing, not "the" thing.
Anyway, I'm starting off with a slightly cynical tone. My purpose in this blog is four-fold: (1) to make some observations, (2) to capture and share my little true loves and their amazing adventures, (3) to vent some frustrations, and (4) to connect to some kindred spirits (maybe we'll get there eventually). And my memory is not the best in the world, so there's more than a little selfishness involved, here.
Away we go!
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