Thursday, November 15, 2012

Don't put Baby in a corner (she'll bite you)

My Mom has a great story from when she was little about how she was the most famous Biter-baby on her block.  Depending on how tall the tale gets, she bit everyone from her mother to the mailman to the dog next door.  The Boy Badgers stare wide-eyed at Grandma while this story is told but Baby Badger looks strangely smug.  Lately, she's been living up to this family legacy.

When those first two teeth broke through, I ran for the camera and rained praise on her.  I oohed and ahhed over every new addition.  Maybe that's what started it, because now she is all about the chompers.  She rips at pieces of meat at dinner, she flashes her pearly whites whenever she hears the word "cheese", she races her brothers to the sink to be the first to brush her teeth, and, lately, she'll take a bite out of you if you let your guard down.

The worst thus far came last night.  When Baby heads upstairs for bed, her routine is to walk around the playroom and give kisses and hugs.  She gave Daddy River Badger a hug and a kiss, "mmmmwah!", and then Little Brother Badger.  I turned my head for a second and then I heard it: "AAAGH!  Mommy, she BIT me!".  Poor Big Brother Badger had been ambushed.  Baby looked delighted by his reaction.  And here's where I have some trouble.  She loves the reaction!  The sharp intake of breath and the yelp when her little teeth find your skin?  She loves it!  The look of confusion?  Yup, loves it!  The scolding and the time-out?  She's unfazed.

I think I'm going to start calling her Fang.

Anyway, the only thing that seems to have an effect is for me to put her down immediately and not give her attention for a few minutes.  She pouts, and clings to my leg, and eventually cries.  My big show of indifference appears to dent the armor, but it hasn't solved the problem.  Biter-baby always returns, teeth at the ready.  So far, I haven't heard anything from her teachers at school.  Maybe they're afraid of her, too.

I LOVE her smile; especially "with teeth".  It is precious and endearing and joyful.  It is representative of her personality, her spirit.  My intuition rationally tells me that this biting phase will pass, as both Boy Badgers went through it, albeit with less enthusiasm.  Of course, my intuition also chokes up and gets emotional, thinking of the passage of time, to the day when "Biter-baby" will be a story she'll tell to her kids or grandkids.  So, for the moment, I'll just keep holding my girl close, despite the danger.  Maybe I'll just wear more layers.

My little Biter-Baby!


  1. Beautifully and cleverly written! Love it! By the way, just so you know, Mom still bites people.....especially when their political views clash with hers lol. JK.

    1. Yeah, I heard that, too! :) Did it skip a generation, or is there something she hasn't told us about why we were in braces so long?

  2. Love her - not as cute as she seems, eh? I do the same thing when my one year old bites. I say, "No biting," and I put him down and walk away. At first he seemed merely confused, but now he laughs at me and comes back for more. Hopefully these two will never get together or it will be another Bella and Edward saga!

    1. Haha! The cuteness lures you in closer! So far, she hasn't bitten Grandma, so maybe the biters unite. Our kids could be made for each other!
